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Lordes Royals A Cultural Commentary

Lorde's "Royals": A Cultural Commentary

Analysis of the Lyrics

Verse 1

In the opening verse, Lorde expresses her lack of familiarity with true wealth and luxury. She admits to only having seen diamonds in movies, suggesting an interest in the glamour associated with wealth but also a lack of genuine connection with it. This sets the stage for her critique of the materialistic society that values appearances over substance.


Lorde's "Royals" is a poignant and thought-provoking commentary on the pitfalls of excessive wealth and the allure of materialistic values. Through her lyrics, she challenges the notion that true happiness and fulfillment can be found in material possessions, and reminds us of the importance of authenticity and genuine connections. The song serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize personal values and find joy in the experiences and relationships that truly matter.
